Global Enterprise Consulting



GEC is an outstanding route to enter the Indian subcontinent educational sector for institutions outside the country. With our dominant expertise and knowledge in the sphere of market entry and expansion in Indian subcontinent, we have acquired the capacity to assist our clients to the best of their satisfaction.

Our streamlined channels and supreme reach across local resources ensures that a large number of Indian subcontinent students can be tapped and encouraged to join the courses offered by these institutions, which can work both ways to benefit the concerned parties…



GEC sets up and manages your in-country office

GEC is committed to support the educational endeavour of our clients and ensure that they have the necessary support with them to establish their industrial plan in the Indian subcontinent.

GEC manages and strengthen your channel partner network

GEC is an established entity in Indian subcontinent and holds the capacity to assist in expansion of its clients in the country. We have a very specific pattern to conduct networking activities …

GEC provides Expert Representation, Brand Building

GEC has the potential to represent its clients in the Indian subcontinent and accrue the necessary agents to carry out the expansion plans, envisioned by them.

GEC conducts Market Intelligence

GEC’s capable team has the manpower and resources to conduct the necessary market analysis on a routine basis, allowing assessment of expansion opportunity in the Indian subcontinent for the client. We perform this task with the utmost sincerity … 

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Our Blog

Counselling Students in Covid Times

This COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be a challenging phase that everyone is undergoing. Nothing is left undeterred due to this. One section that has been hit the hardest is the Education sector consisting of students from around the world. They have been cut off

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Recruiting Students Online

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world a phase where everything can be done online even if earlier some things were better off in the exception list. This has pushed the world to go ahead with rapid developments and automation of various menial as well

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The National Education Policy, 2020 was recently approved by the Union Cabinet of India. The policy outlines the prospective vision for the country’s new education system and is a comprehensive framework designed for education from the elementary to the higher level, including vocational training in

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